Life Drawing





Some of my portfolio pieces from 1st semester. Im down for some constructive criticism, so feel free to critique!

*The post-it and the errors circled in red are from my life drawing instructor, Mark Thurman

Some Clouds...

A painting assignment from 1st semester: gouache on watercolour paper. The smaller paintings are thumbs leading up to my final.

Storyboard Adaptation Package

So the assignment was to fully interpret a Cherokee fable, keeping only the premise the same.

Main Story Arc:The Cunning Blue Jay

Secondary Story Arc: The Hummingbird

Location Design: A quick sketch

Main Character Design

Character Development: The Blue Jay at his earlier stages. The designs on the yellow post-it are by Enzo Avolio, my character design instructor.

Pink Panther: A Walk Cycle

Pink Panther Walk Cycle: pretty rough, definitely couldve done alot better.